In order to study the reasonable smooth blasting parameters such as smooth blasting range,hole spacing,line charge concentration and charge structure in a fault fracture zone,empirical formula is first used for calculation. Then the blasting effect is compared by field blasts to analyze the influencing factors of smooth blasting in a fault
fracture zone,so that to improve the blasting parameters and charging structure. Research results and field applications show that the smooth blasting effect is relatively good when the charge column size is φ 60 mm × 400 mm with
an uncoupled charge structure,the hole spacing is 1. 2 ~ 1. 5 m,the smooth blasting range is 2. 5 ~ 3. 0 m,the linear
charge concentration is 1. 2 ~ 1. 4 kg /m,and the air deck length is 0. 6 ~ 0. 8 m. When the charge column size is
φ 60 mm × 600 mm with an uncoupled charge structure,the hole spacing is 1. 2 ~ 1. 5 m,the smooth blasting range
is 2. 5 ~ 3. 0 m,the linear charge concentration is 0. 7 ~ 1. 0 kg /m,the stemming length is 1m,,the air deck length
under the stemming is 3. 0 ~ 4. 0 m and the normal air deck length is 1. 5 ~ 2. 0 m,the smooth blasting effect is the
most ideal with a smooth and stable slope. Moreover,the latter scheme has a better economic return than the former
one. The selection of blasting parameters,charge structure and charge column for this smooth blasting technology can
provide reference for similar projects.
Key words:
smooth blasting; analysis after explosion; hole spacing; smooth blasting range; linear charge concentration; charge structure